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Zdravstvena i veterinarska škola Dr. Andrije Štampara Vinkovci


PROJEKT Agricultural conditions in different climatic zones (ACDC)

Autor: Vlatka Vujčić, 26. 9. 2012.


U sklopu programa Leonardno da Vinci, naša je škola započela projekt Agricultural conditions in different climatic zones (ACDC). Koordinator projekta je škola iz Češke Republike, Střední zemědělská a veterinární škola Lanškroun.

Ostali partneri, uz našu školu i već navedenu školu iz Češke, su: Zemědělsko - obchodní družstvo Žichlínek (poljoprivredno poduzeće ) - Češka, Centre des junes adolescentes de Tahaa - Francuska Polinezija i Centre des junes adolescentes de Vaia`au - Francuska Polinezija.


Projekt traje od 1. kolovoza 2012. do 31. srpnja  2014., a voditelj projekta u našoj školi je Josip Šuker, prof. 

Prvi susret održat će se u Češkoj od 15. listopada 2012. do 19. listopada 2012. 

Pod "više" možete pročitati izvadak iz projektne aplikacije te glavne aktivnosti. 


Izvadak iz projektne aplikacije:

The main aim of our to partnership is to cooperate within agricultural area and to compare the simmilarities and  differences of farming in differenet climatic zones. Students will gain new experience and know how in agriculture used all around Europe and learn about the new technologies that will enrich them, contribute to their personal and social growing, help them to integrate into future working process.This approach between different lands to their working space, culture or heritage will enable them to understand to each other. They will improve their ICT skills, language knowledge during the communication via internet  and the stay in host countries.


The main aims and activities:
- Life and work in the partners´ countries, cultural awareness, intercultural communication 
- Practical training abroad
- Visiting companies in the host country, meeting agriculture engineers, fieldwork
- Global issues and their different solving (unemployment, environmental politics etc.)
- Presentation techniques, paralinguistic communication

- to help students to fit into work environment
- to get new experience in the agricultural field
- to acquire certain skills in farming
- to share professional skills, methods and tools
- to learn about protection of plants and fertilization (organic, mineral and chemical)
- to learn about animals welfare – health protection and care
- to compare different climatic zones (tropical, continental, temperate)
- bio products and organic farming (visiting farms)
- lands machines for harvesting
- on-site soils examination

- portfolio of plants grown in the participating countries
- portfolio of animals bred in the participating countries
- portfolio of agricultural instrumentation and technologies (also in organic farming)




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